做到忍辱心清静 -- 【编辑室】


许多都会这样认为,忍辱是一种无能的表现,自古迄今,中国有句俗语“大丈夫可杀不可辱”。就是这个观念,害得我们做下多少的心业,自己还不知道。因为,一旦烧到最高点时,由争吵升级 到大动干戈,最后是你死我活的境界。个人如此,国家何尝不是这样。因而,我们的这个社会产生了动乱,挑起了多少的不必要事端,害苦了多少无辜的生灵。这都是缺乏忍辱的修养。其实,忍辱不是一种无能,真正具有忍辱修养的人,从他的身上会爆发出一种非常强大的人格力量。一个人如果没有很高的修养,他是很难做到忍辱的。一个真正在事业上有大成就的人,都会具备忍辱的涵养。




Dedication Of Our Quiet Time To All Beings

Now sit upright and slowly follow

the instructions while you read this:

Gently close half your eyes, take three deep breaths

Allow the body to relax as you slowly breathe out

Gently soften your face, relax your forehead

And the small muscles around your eyes and mouth

Let go of any tension in the shoulders

Feel them falling back and down

Relax your chest and abdomen

Now instruct your mind to be with the breath

Noticing how it feels as it enters and leaves your body

Let the breath move easily in

And out of the body in its natural rhythm

As you have settled down, contemplate on the things you own

And reflect that everything you think of as yours

Will one day be left behind

After 5 minutes or so of such reflection

Instruct your mind to be with the breath

Noticing how it feels as it enters and leaves your body

Upon finishing your quiet time

Dedicate this moment of quietude

To the victims of the triple-tragedy in Japan

With the heartfelt wish that

They and all beings be blessed

With the teachings of the Triple Gem