学佛修行增长智慧 -- 【编辑室】

我们学佛,目的何在?这是一个让人深思的问题。到寺院听闻师父开示,明白学佛的目的是要长“智慧”,如何才能长智慧,最关键的是要入佛智慧 。









The Legacy Of

Master Yin Shun

The period from the time of the Buddha’s Mahaparinirvana till now has seen the emergence of different traditions and schools of Buddhism. Even within Mahayana and in particular Chinese Buddhism, it is marked by the proliferation of weighty scriptures and adorned with embellishments of sorts.

The 20th Century witnessed Chinese Buddhism somewhat trapped with the problem where practices in China were, strictly speaking, not in accord with the Buddha’s Teaching. A less than in accord practice does not bring about Right Understanding and a failure to realize this is injurious to spiritual development and attainment as envisioned by the Buddha.

In commemoration of the sixth anniversary of the passing of the late Master Yin-shun, we thought it especially meaningful to pay tribute to the late Master by highlighting his profound and wondrous contribution to Chinese Buddhism. The late Master is widely regarded as the foremost thinker and scholar monk of the modern era. His works are used and revered in almost all institutes of Buddhist learning.

He has connected faith with modernity as a response to the many challenges posed by secular, cultural and ethnic influences. Single-handedly he introduced the ‘critical-historical’ method into Chinese Buddhist scholastic works such that his reflective work has gone beyond sectarian doctrines. He is probably best remembered for his advocacy that Buddhism is a living religion suited for and in the human world and where the practice of faith, wisdom and compassion paves the way for supreme enlightenment.