罗汉上素 Lohan Vegetarian Delight -- 五色营养素菜 Five-Coloured Nutritious Vegetarian Dish



麦粒 15克, 芥菜心 50克 切粗片, 椰菜花 25克 切朵, 香菇 25克 浸软, 清油 2汤匙, 冷冻毛豆 50克 去豆荚取豆, 红萝卜 1/2条 切片, 黑木耳 2克 浸软撕片, 包装鲜笋 10克 切片, 发菜 2克 浸软沥干, 清水 50毫升, 面筋 1/2罐


酱青 1茶匙, 糖 1茶匙, 素蚝油 1.5汤匙, 海盐 1/4汤匙

葛根粉1/2汤匙 混合2.5汤匙水


1. 芥菜心和椰菜花分别川烫,捞起沥干待用。

2. 香菇去蒂切半,加入酱青和糖调味。

3. 烧热清油,加入香菇煎至金黄色后,依次序加入毛豆、红萝卜、黑木耳、笋片、发菜和素蚝油拌炒。

4. 加入清水,加盖焖煮3分钟。接着加入芥菜心、椰菜花、面筋和海盐翻炒。

5. 最后加入葛根粉混合物拌炒即可。

serves 5


50g mustard green, cut into thick slices

25g broccoli, cut out florets

25g mushrooms, soak until soft

2 tbsp oil

50g frozen green soybeans, discard pod

1/2 carrot, sliced

2g black fungus, soak until soft and tear into pieces

10g packed fresh bamboo shoot, sliced

2g long thread moss (fa cai), soak until soft and drain

50ml water

1/2can gluten


1 tsp light soy sauce

1 tsp sugar

1.5 tbsp vegetarian oyster sauce

1/4 tbsp sea salt

1/2 tbsp arrowroot starch, mix with 2? tbsp water


1. Blanch mustard green and broccoli separately. Remove and drain. Set aside.

2. Remove mushroom stems and halve. Season with light soy sauce and sugar.

3. Heat oil, add mushrooms and pan fry until golden brown. Add green soybeans, carrot, black fungus, bamboo shoot, long thread moss and vegetarian oyster sauce in sequence. Toss well.

4. Add water, cover and simmer for 3 mins. Add mustard green, broccoli, gluten and sea salt. Toss well.

5. Add arrowroot starch mixture and toss evenly. Serve.