善友辅导中心15周年庆 -- 【善友天地】



善友辅导中心起源于1991年。当时,在大悲苑主持 - 释法坤法师的指导和支持下,成立了大悲辅导中心。两年后,在法坤法师和福海禅寺住持——明义法师的协调下,大悲辅导中心改名为仁慈辅导中心。1995年,因缘巧合下我们决定自立门户。于是,在文静法师带领的信徒的支持和鼓励下,我们成立了善友辅导中心。


2010年对善友来说是重要的一年。今年是我们投入社会服务的第15个年头。从默默无闻发展到今日,我们在辅导和社会服务行业里已占有一席之地。今年头,善友和牛津正念中心合作,把善友发展成内观认知治疗 (Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy, MBCT)的传授和运用中心。这是一个历史性的里程碑。同时在今年8月,善友与众弘福利协会 (Cheng Hong Wellfare Service Society)合作,在友诺士湾 (Eunos Crescent) 成立一个社区服务中心,叫做康乐亭。这是善友的另一个里程碑。


因此,我在此向我们的创办人致上深深地感谢;感谢新加坡社会发展、青年及体育部(MCYS)、公益金 (Community Chest) 和新加坡国家福利理事会 (NCSS) 长久以来的资金援助;感谢所有捐助者的慷慨解囊;感谢所有已离职和现任的善友职员对中心的付出;感谢我们的服务使用者给与我们一个为他们服务的机会;感谢已卸任和现任的董事会成员所付出的时间和给与的支持;当然,我们也不忘了感谢所有的义工的奉献和热情;最后,就是要感恩每一位为善友的成功付出过努力的善心人士。


慈 善 晚 宴

十二月是个充满喜庆的日子。2010年的十二对善友辅导中心来说更是个值得纪念的日子。因为2010年是中心成立的十五周年纪念。为了庆祝这特别的日子,在2010年12月18日善友假皇后酒店 (Hotel Royal@Queens) 举办了一场慈善素宴。慈善素宴所筹得的款项将会用作中心的活动经费。

晚宴得到了各界的支持,包括李氏基金、观音堂佛祖庙、洛阳大伯公庙、延庆寺、自度庵、观慈精舍、大悲院、众弘善堂、福海禅寺、佛友资讯、Gaylin International Pte Ltd、 NK Hairworks、鸿阁素食私人有限公司、惹兰勿刹 (Jalan Besar) 基层组织、善友辅导中心的理事还有义工们。而当晚的荣誉嘉宾是大悲院的主持 – 净森法师。

晚宴的节目除了有歌唱、舞蹈还有变脸表演。而最精彩的当然就是压轴的幸运抽奖。幸运抽奖的奖品包括购物礼券、电脑打印机、ipod nano还有笔记型电脑。


At Shan You Counselling Centre,



As a charity organization, we committed to give our beneficiaries our fullest support physically and emotionally. We believe that education is a root cause of good mental and physical health.

Education gives people the resources to control and shape their own lives in a way that protects and fosters health. To serve this purpose, we organize monthly public health talks to educate people the importance of mental health and the prevention of mental health problems.

Not forgetting our fellow peers, we invite eminent speaker to conduct professional workshops and training, thereby contributing to raising the overall competency level of the social service sector.


At Shan You, we recognize each of our stake holders as our valued members of the team. We care for our beneficiaries. We listen to their story with all our heart and to understand their needs. We provide food rations and home maintenance service to help them to improve their living environment. We offer counselling service to help them to enhance their physical and mental well-being.

We care for our volunteers and staffs. We recognize and appreciate their contribution. We provide excellent training and coaching to them. We make sure that they have equal access to support. Every end of the year, we gather our volunteers and staffs to share with them our achievement and to show our appreciation to them.


In life, we used to take thing for granted. When we were kids, we used to ask pocket money from parents. During our teenage, we get friends’ companion by just making a call. At workplace, we expect colleague to help us to meet a deadline.

We are blessed to have the love and support from our family, friends and colleague. But we will only be able to see the beauty of the world when we start to learn to appreciate and to give love to others. Giving is not just only about money or material items. Start with today, spend more time with your friends and family or share a joke with a group of sick kids. I am sure you can feel the fun and joy of giving love.

Remember, it’s a gift for being able to love. The gift of love should be shared each and every day. So, why not start with a smile today?