如意卷 Pleasant Rolls -- 文:余稀灵 翻译:颖心 www.weishixuan.com


卷心菜 100克,胡萝卜 100克


白糖 50克,白醋 50克,盐 适量


1. 将胡萝卜切成细丝;卷心菜叶剥下,放到沸水里面烫至软,捞出泡入冷水。

2. 切卷心菜叶铺平,批去硬梗,放上胡萝卜丝,卷成长条状。

3. 所有调味料调成汁,将菜卷泡入调味汁当中,腌制12个小时,食时切成小段,淋上原汁即可。

提示: 也可将胡萝卜与卷心菜切成丝,直接拌入调味料腌制,便成一道酸甜可口的开胃小菜。


Cabbage 100g,Carrots 100g


White Sugar 50g,White Vinegar 50g,Salt to taste


1. Cut carrots into strips. Separate the cabbage into individual leaves. Soak in water until soft and drain.

2. Trim the edges of the leaves into a rectangular sheet and remove the tough fibers. Place carrot strips on the leaves and roll it up.

3. Dissolve the sugar and salt in vinegar. Soak vegetable rolls in the seasonings for 12 hours. Cut into small rolls and pour the seasonings on top of it. Serve.

Note: It is also preferable to cut the cabbage leaves and carrot into strips, season them and serve as an appetizer.