看生活中的六度 -- 【编辑室】





From Seed to Tree


A seed of Dharma has been sown and has started sprouting into a plant. In order for it to grow into a huge tree with deep roots, we need to give this little plant of Dharma protection and food. By putting a fence around it, we can stop the cattle from eating it up, and by giving it sun and water we can help it to grow.

The cattle refers to the criticism and challenges from other traditions and religions. The fence refers to our ability to respond rationally and wisely to these criticism and challenges based on our conviction in the Triple Gem. The articles Buddhist Tolerance and Religious Harmony, page 39, and Agree to Disagree – Conversations on Conversion, page 47, offer some guidelines on how we can achieve this.

Like the sun and water which provides food for the little plant of Dharma, our continuous learning and practising of the Dharma and application of the Dharma in daily life will ensure our growth in Dharma.