佛法的心髓—自治其心 -- 【编辑室Editorial】





佛陀从对人生痛苦和存在意义的反省入手,以人内心深处了生死、趋求常乐的终极关怀为核心,对人心的结构、内容、性质及造成苦恼的因果作了明晰的解析,通过切身的实践验证,提出了一整套自治其心以达到“现法安乐”乃至涅盘解脱。 后世的佛教高僧大德们对佛陀教法不断发挥补充,形成精深博大的治心之学。从现代心理学的角度看,佛陀是一位极其高明的心理医师、心理学家、精神导师,佛法是一门高级的心理学。

Mind Your Money

Money and possessions are things we cannot do without in this material world. What is the Buddha’s advice for householders on money making, saving and spending? Can we, while striving for economic prosperity, achieve a peace of mind? How do we manage our wealth so that it meets our needs, fulfills our family and social responsibilities, and benefits the society at large? Read Ways of Enjoying Your Wealth, page 40 to find out more.

For those who choose to be ordained, their goal is to strive for complete non-attachment rather than economic prosperity. For that purpose, they are advised not only to stay away from wealth accumulation and enjoyment of material life, but also to depend on the householders for the four requisites, namely a robe, alms food, lodging and medicines after surrendering the rest of their belongings to the community. The skill of sound requisite management as demonstrated by Venerable Ananda in The 500 Garments, page 47, can be attributed to the practice of non-attachment by sharing, and that of caring for the gift by not wasting.

In conclusion, just as one needs to engage in careers that do not harm others in order to progress on the path, one needs to make sure that the incomes generated from these careers are managed wisely in order that one is free from blame and debt.