让佛法改变我们的生活 -- 【编辑室】



佛法可贵之处是要我们明白什么是反省。通过反省和检讨,让自己明白什么原因导致工作上困扰、家庭不和,夫妻间的紧张关系;如何把佛法中所提的“六和敬”运用到现实生活里,让佛法在生活里发酵成长。佛法中最简单的一句话“贪、嗔、痴” ,就是我们在生活里所不能放下的心结。一旦能体会到这三毒的可怕之处,能改掉这个心习,自然就能把佛法运用到生活中,在生活中建立起牢不可破的和谐关系,何愁矛盾不解。

大德净慧大和尚在讲经说法时说过:“觉悟人生,奉献人生。” 这句话看来简单,但恰恰说明了现实生活中的苦恼要义,那就是要我们觉悟生活,奉献生活。通过做好每一件事,就是生活的觉悟与奉献表现。当我们除去隐藏在内心深处的心魔,生活就能主动,而妄念、烦恼自然就相对地减少了,放下心中的魔结,体会出在生活上愉快奉献,我们的生活能不快乐?扩大社会层次,我们在工作上与人相处时,能不感到快乐吗?


Buddha Dhamma–A universal path for all

The path taught by the Buddha has the following qualities:

. it can be clearly explained and experienced by anyone

. it gives beneficial results here and now

. it has the quality of ‘come-and-see’ for yourself

. it can be practised by anyone of average intelligence, of whatever background

The Buddha is not interested in converting anyone from one religion another. Rather, he teaches how each and everyone of us can become a noble-hearted, saintly person and live a happy and harmonious life.

Below is a calling to all seekers of peace, harmony and truth:

People of the world, awake!

The dark night is over.

The light has come of Dhamma,

the dawn of happiness.

Come, beings of the universe,

listen to the wisdom of the Dhamma.

In this lie happiness and peace,

freedom, liberation, nibbana.

Clearly expounded is the teaching of the Blessed One,

to be seen for oneself,

giving results here and now,

inviting one to come and see,

leading straight to the goal,

capable of being realised by any intelligent person.

Come, people of the world!

Let us walk the path of Dhamma.

On this path walk the wise ones,

on this path walk the saints.

The path of Dhamma is the path of peace,

the path of Dhamma is the path of happiness.

Whoever walks upon the path of Dhamma

finds infinite well-being.

from The Gem Set in Gold by S.N. Goenka