净化内心世界面对生活的挑战 -- .


“沙斯”之后,接踵而至的是“禽流感”,接着来到我们生活中的是甲型流感(H1N1) ,这些病症使得我们再次面对着生活上的苦恼。另一方面,让我们感到不安的是经济海啸及雷曼兄弟所挑起的金融危机,席卷全球,造成全球性的影响,掀起狂风巨浪,这让我们的平静生活中增添了许多波澜,生活陷入水深火热中。



Dhamma for A Harmonious Living

This issue examines how the practice of Dhamma can build a harmonious society. The path of Dhamma, known as the Noble Eightfold Path, trains our hearts and minds in three ways: through good conduct, we learn to control our speech and actions and avoid harmful behaviours; through mental development, we learn to be self-reliant and mindful so that we do not stray from the path of good conduct and through wisdom, we learn to see things as they really are.

Basic Ethics in Buddhism Contributing to a Harmonious and Peaceful World on page 44 reminds us how being able to avoid harmful behaviours helps to make the society a better place to live in.

Being A Buddhist Parent on page 47 reminds us how being able to control our speech and actions; be mindful and see things as they really are help to improve parent-child relationship.

Cognitive Restructuring, Emptiness Nature and Thought Transformation on page 50 reminds us how being mindful and able to see things as they really are help to transform our negative thoughts into positive.